#024 – Why would a financial advisor want to write a book? Cynthia Zigmund says there can be a range of reasons – from a brief introduction to a deeper dive into your business philosophy and showcasing how you use your expertise to positively impact your clients’ lives. If done well, it can make a huge difference in connecting with your ideal clients. But many aspiring authors don’t know what to expect or have misconceptions about what creating a useful book entails. Many don’t understand that creating a well-published book is much more than simply printing a manuscript. She discusses what makes a successful book and how her team at Second City Publishing Services provides direction and resources to ensure a great end result.
Connect with Cynthia to learn more about how she and her Second-City Publishing team can help you create a book that will be a powerful tool to boost your business:
- Visit her website, SecondCityPublishing.com.
- Email her.